Group email address. An original idea?
Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.
T.S. Elliot
A bunch of folks have been asking for my reaction to 37signal’s recent product launch of Basecamp Breeze, a tool for creating a group email address like groupname[at] A few years ago I created a tool very similar in spirit called Tgethr. You can easily create a groupname[at]
I’ve even gotten condolences about 37signals copying my idea. :)
So I thought this would be a good opportunity to write a few thoughts on competition and copying ideas, especially since this is a real common area where people get stuck.
First of all, I highly doubt I was even in 37signal’s peripheral vision as they were planning Breeze. Even if they did get inspired by Tgethr, I’d be flattered.
If my idea isn’t worth...