Thank You

A little over 7 months ago I started blogging here on SVBTLE.

I just wanted to thank everyone who’s made the experience awesome.

Thank you for all the kudos, the comments on Twitter, the emails letting me know what you think, and for spending part of your day reading these words.

I blog about things that interest, delight, or confound me personally, but it’s you that keeps me motivated to keep sharing. I appreciate that more than I can properly articulate.

Have an awesome day today. I hope you find some time to relax with friends and family and enjoy yourself.

Thank you!



If you’re in Chicago and find yourself wanting to share a meal today with some new friends, this was a neat event that’s coming to Chicago today from The Laugh Factory.


Our yearly tradition of serving over 2000 turkey dinners along with good spirited comedy performances to the people of Los Angeles comes for the first time to Chicago! The eclectic crowd of Thanksgiving guests include struggling actors, comedians, writers, artisans, & craftspeople of all kinds, old time Chicagoans, newcomers far from home, & anyone who needs a good meal & a family to share it with.


Now read this

Google, I’ve had enough. How about a Compromise?

Please let me set the stage. Ad re-targeting is driving me fucking crazy. For those who don’t know this term, re-targeting is the process advertisers and ad networks use to track you on the internet so that if you land on a website, say... Continue →