Microwaves are only good for…

Microwaves are only good for making popcorn and baked potatoes.

A friend of mine.

Though I don’t fully agree with my friend’s assessment of the utility of the microwave, I definitely see where he’s coming from.

My wife and I take leftovers home regularly. We are very good about this. It saves money and our waistlines by trying to control those damn portions.

One drawback to leftovers however is reheated french fries.

I might as well save the paper napkins from the restaurant and eat those the next day, if I want to eat something similar to microwaved french fries.

Turning french fries into the texture of a baked potato is definitely not my desired goal.

So I finally tried some advice I feel like I’ve overheard from some conversation on [Reddit](http:/reddit.com).

I think every random piece of news or advice I’ve ‘overheard’ is something I saw on Reddit this week. When, in fact, most are things my wife told me. This is only embarrassing when I choose to tell my wife the interesting news I heard this week from Reddit.

The advice I heard was just to lightly re-fry them in a bit of oil in a pan.

Brain dead simple right? And insanely delicious.

I wish I had been doing this for years.

Just tried this on Sunday with some french fries left over since Friday. A bit of vegetable oil heated up in a pan, toss in fries, and stir them up every now and then for about 5 minutes. Put them on a plate lined with some paper towels to whisk away any excess oil. And whallah.



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