Lean into it

My father, he always said “Lean into it”. It means the outcome doesn’t matter. What matters, is that you’re there for it. Whatever IT is. Good or bad. Kinda like right now.

Chris Pine’s character in People Like Us

I don’t think I’ve ever done that before: watch a hollywood movie trailer and rewind it to write down some quote from one of the fictional characters.

But I dug that one a lot.

Sounds like a John Wooden quote. John was an inspirational basketball coach and all around guy. Cared very deeply about process and practice, and didn’t give a shit about winning or losing outcomes. Yet he ended up winning. A lot.


Now read this

Pricing in reverse: use a product’s price to figure out what you need to build.

wrong: build something and then figure out how much you can charge. right: choose your desired price, then figure out how to justify it.— Amy Hoy (@amyhoy) March 5, 2012 Amy brings up a great point and motivates me to finish a post I’ve... Continue →