Know a good joke? Miles could really use it.  

Here’s a great use of the web and video to help provide a bit of the “best medicine” for kids who could really use it.

A kid named Miles has his fourth reoccurrence of brain cancer. Poor guy has to go through something called a “Tandem Autologus Stem Cell Transplant” which will put him in isolation at a hospital for 3-6 months many miles from his friends and family.

His dad came up with an awesome project. Get 5000 jokes on video for Miles. So far he’s got a bunch of average folks like you and me sharing jokes as well as famous celebrities. But they could use some more. is also working on their next goal, to start helping all sorts of other kids who could use a little more humour in their lives to help get through what ails them.

If you know a joke, it only takes a tiny bit to record it and send it on its way to someone who could use it. Here’s a place that would really love to hear your joke. could also use some more help in spreading what they are trying to do. Know anyone that would love to share a joke? Or feel like submitting their site or the promo Youtube video to reddit perhaps? :)


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When you stop being yourself

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