I am not a designer  

“Is this a joke?” was feedback on a cartoon I drew a few years ago. Someone else commented, “Not working.”

I’ve never been good at art, composition, drawing, or even color schemes. As a kid I wore a purple sweatshirt and orange Zubaz.

To make the software I’ve been making for so many years, I’ve relied on other people designing things for me. At the first company I founded, I had a talented partner who did the things I couldn’t do or do well, like design. But in 2011, I found myself trying to start a new project. This time, alone.

Read more of my latest article at FastCompany. #


Now read this


One of my favorite books is Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd. Youngme Moon, a professor at Harvard Business School, explores how some companies break through the noise of competition. The photo above is an exercise from her class... Continue →