Draft Announcements: Gifts, Member Lounge, More Analytics and a Sneak Preview…

Hello. Here’s a Draft announcement handy for the holidays:


Now you can give a subscription to Draft as a gift to your family and friends. It’s really easy.

Here’s a link.

Or find the Gifts link on the Draft homepage:

Or the Gift icon in the left sidebar of your main document list:

You can send as big of a gift as you want, and you aren’t committed to any recurring payments.

Have Draft email the gift on the day you had in mind, or send it to yourself to email or print.

This is a fun gift for friends and family members who want to write more and write better, and helps support Draft’s future at the same time.

Member Lounge

I’m adding an additional benefit to becoming a Draft supporter. If you are a subscriber to Draft, watch your email soon for an invite to join the Member Lounge, which will use Draft’s new Team Folders to organize.

Use the lounge to converse about using Draft, or writing, or to get feedback on something you’re working on.

If a conversation gets noisy you can always unsubscribe from individual threads, or easily remove yourself from the lounge whenever you want.

Sneak Preview

Here’s a quick preview of something I’m working on. I’ll let the picture speak for itself. There’s a couple neat things you can spot :)

Date & Time of Publishing Correlation Report

I’m very interested in when I write, especially when I publish. Too many people make the mistake of publishing their tweets or blog posts when no one is listening.

For awhile now, Draft has been able to tell you what are your most well-read days and times of day for publishing, but you still didn’t know if Monday at 2PM is better than Thursday at 11AM.

Now you do.

If you go to Reports->Writing Analysis and pick a feed to analyze, you’ll see this new chart:

The chart explores the hour AND day of publishing. The size of the bubble is how popular on average that hour and day are for you. The stronger color of blue tells you how much data you have for that time. The bluer - the more confident you can be in the number.

From my own chart, I can see I should experiment more with publishing on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.

Folder Stats

Hover over the Stats link when you’re looking inside a Folder to quickly see how many words and characters are inside. This is really helpful for anyone using Folders to organize a book.

Document Timestamps

Your Documents now have a timestamp listed of when they were last updated. If you hover over them, you can get even more details about when the document was created and last updated.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the United States, and I want to let everyone know how much you reading this and using Draft is part of my Thanksgiving. I’m incredibly thankful for what you’re helping me achieve with Draft, and I’ll never be able to express it enough.

Have a wonderful time this holiday season and I hope you get to enjoy the things you’re thankful for.

As always, if I can help with anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. Twitter is a great place to reach me:


Or the official Draft Twitter account:



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Faster Rails partial rendering and caching. 78% improvement of test application

Using a new gem I created, I was able to optimize a Rails action by 78% (152 ms to 34 ms). The gem takes advantage of Rail’s read_multi method to retrieve cached partials in parallel instead of the traditional route of sequentially... Continue →