Draft Announcements: Comment switching, sortable to-do lists, and more…

Hello. I have a few updates to share about Draft:

Comment Switching #

Some of my documents have comments from multiple people and it can be tough to track who’s saying what. This is especially true with the introduction of the Simplify button, which can generate quite a few comments of feedback.

So now, you can filter comments in Edit mode by the user who left the comment. Just turn on comments like you normally would by clicking the comment bubble at the bottom right corner of editing your document.

When the comments view is activated, there is now a link that appears at the bottom right of the screen that you can click to change whose comments you’re viewing. The default is “Everyone”.

Sortable To-dos #

I love using Markdown for to-do lists - an ability Draft has had for awhile.

Today, they got even better.

Now, you can drag and drop your to-dos in your Draft document while in View mode (within a single list, or move between lists in your document) and the underlying Markdown text in your document will be updated.

Auto-complete Invites #

I wanted to make it a lot easier to invite the people I usually invite to help me with my documents.

So now, when you click the Share button, previous emails you’ve used to invite folks to edit your document are auto-populated for you as you type.

Show/Edit Page Designs #

Draft is a simple, lightweight, editing tool, but I thought the pages during writing and previewing your document could get even simpler.

Now, when you preview your document, all the buttons and actions are gone.

You’ve always had those same buttons in Edit mode, and since you spend most of your time in Edit mode, it makes more sense not to duplicate everything here. Previewing your document now is less distracting.

Another shortcut has also been added. To switch back to Edit mode when you are previewing your document, just hit the Escape button.

Editing got less distracting too.

Now, while you type, most of the controls on the page will fade away. When you move your mouse to access your controls, they reappear.

Just a little touch to help you zone into what you are trying to do - write.

No more Nagging your Collaborators #

Draft continues to exist because of the financial support many of you have contributed. And if you use Draft for free, you’ve noticed the pop-up windows that occasionally appear reminding you how important that financial support is.

But, it doesn’t make sense, especially if you are already supporting Draft, for me to nag your friends, who are simply using Draft to help edit your documents.

So now, your collaborators will be able to use Draft nag-free, as long as they are just using the tool to predominantly work on documents they aren’t the “owners” of, which are your documents.

I wake up everyday grateful for all the feedback and support you are sending in. There are a ton of other improvements that make their way into Draft and aren’t even mentioned here, but are because of your help making this product great.

I hope you are having an awesome week, and if I can be helpful at all, please let me know. My personal Twitter account is a great place to reach me:


Or the official Draft Twitter account:



Now read this

Draft. Version control for writing

I wanted to show off a preview of what I’ve been working on. It’s a better version control system for writing. I call it Draft. As a writer, I’ve been very annoyed at my options for version control. Software like iCloud and Google Docs... Continue →