A lesson from Curiosity

A new Mars rover, aptly named Curiosity, landed today. I saw this quote at CNN.com from Steve Squyres, a member of the Mars Science Laboratory science team, in part of an article mentioning if the rover would be looking for evidence of anything in particular.

Let’s go to an interesting place with good tools and find out what’s there.

Steve Squyres

Often it’s easy to get caught up in a singular mission. Have a goal, and it’s that goal or bust. But the enormity of that goal can easily create a blindness to all the fun and opportunities that lie before me. I can forget to take some time to just explore and appreciate the things that appear in the middle of a problem space.

Steve shares a nice reminder I don’t always have to have a goal.

It’s ok to grab a favorite tool: a journal and pen, a pick and guitar, a laptop and favorite code editor, and just start making something. Anything.

The important part is to just get off your ass and start exploring.

Who knows what comes next, but it’s better than being stuck.

Steve ends the article with:

If we knew what we were going to find, it wouldn’t be this much fun.

P.S. You should get my next post on Twitter: here.


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